the blip before the storm

yesterday a storm knocked our interweb connection flat - there are storms predicted for this afternoon too so I'm getting my blip in early in case my connection to civilisation disappears for hours (again!!)
There's not much to say about today because there hasn't been a lot of it yet....the light was lovely at 6am - but I missed the shot I wanted because TWO of my cards were full and I had to faff around trying to to find another one, by which point the clouds had covered the sun...but it cheered up again around 8ish and I got loads of nice garden and cows in field kinda shots (of which this is one). The rest of the morning was spent...wasting time in a kinda coffee and book way...and then I went to pilates where i managed to do one of the exercises properly for the first time ever, which my teacher was very chuffed about (I was just amazed!)
The rest of the day is going to be very housework orientated due to the overtime I did in the last few days :-/

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