Ed, James and Shy

New hard drive installed today by Ed and Shy .. New keyboard, new stuff everywhere, trying to get used to it all ... very difficult ... have no Adobe and didn't realise until too late as I overexposed this on purpose in order to diddley dee a bit in PS ...ah well never mind I'll just have to cut my cloth according to the pattern as they say..very funny keyboard having to be ultra careful not to 'phat phinger'

very incoherent entry sorry about that I was trying to get all their 'norman' noses
I do NOT have a 'Norman' nose I have Henry's nose or rather he has mine or rather he has his own and I have my own ...oh good grief someone pass me a tissue so I can blow it ...
Shy and I are nicely suffering .. I am so sorry about this ..oh shut up Flick for Gawd's sake ....

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