
By scharwenka

The French have a Fine Idea!!!

... or maybe its the Scots who had the idea.

We have all known wine in cubitainers for many years. But this is the first time I have seen Scotch in a cubitainer.

Here we have 3 litres of "Finest Blended Scotch Whisky". I would not, myself, entirely agree with "Finest", having drunk Sir Edward's poured from a 70 centilitre glass bottle, but it is certainly acceptable. On the other hand, the concept of Appuyer Içi == Press Here == to have Scotch literally on tap is unbelievably tempting!

a news item on the radio this morning[/url] reporting that

"The Royal College of Psychiatrists says people over 65 should drink a maximum of only 1.5 units of alcohol a day. That is the equivalent of just over about half a pint of beer or a small glass of wine."

Mon Dieu!

I am over 65!

"But the extent of the drinking is hidden because unlike younger drinkers, more older people drink in their own homes, the report suggests."

Hidden: I must hide my cubitainer after testing it.

1.5 units? Are we sure that they aren't a factor of at least 10 out?

Read the BBC News web page: it's fascinating

"But there has been an angry reaction from many older people to the suggestion that they should cut down on their drinking."

That's more like it...


Now, as an experimental scientist, I must see if the 3 litres of Scotch does any damage.

I cannot focus on the screen any more, and keep typing the wrong letters, so must bid my readers farewell...

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