I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

An emotional day

A blur of a rollercoaster day. Meetings galour and then a lunch and a graduation ceremony for some of young people that I work with.
This was not your typical nursery/early years graduation, where children have spent there anti pre school year and pre school year at nursery. The children that I work with have come through extraordinary challenges from birth, and have recieved unbelievable support from their families and extended families.......and now they move on, to new schools, different challenges and experiences. I missed the graduation ceremony this afternoon due to other work commitments, however, my thoughts were with these exeptional children and their the families and well wishers that came to see them graduate. If I had been there it would have been a "box of kleenex" afternoon, as I have taught some of them since they were about a year old.
It was lovely to see other faces at the party, young and old and my blip today is one of the young ones that visited. This is C, a friend and colleagues wee one, and I can assure you this is a fleeting moment of a petted lip, as he is a very smiley wee lad........and his pal K is game for a laugh too!
I am also on holiday now for a month!!!! :) :)

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