The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Kick up your heels

I have finished shopping for prom
Finished? Yes. Finally finished.
Dress, shoes, bag, proper undergarments...
And as I type this I realize that I have completely forgotten about jewelry
I mean, the items listed have already cost me $335 + tax
And then there's the slight detail of paying for limo/prom tickets/after prom laser tag/weekend in montauk (?)
I'm going to be completely and totally broke by the time this is all over

Well, back to the good part.
I have my dress. I have my shoes. I have my bag.
Royal blue, silver, and silver.
Just as I've always wanted (actually, up until last may I wanted a gold and white dress. Then I got that for my junior prom and, well, let's just say that white is the least flattering color ever)

Check out the late posts from the past few days
I've gotten into the habit of posting around midnight and this post is no exception.
Night all.

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