
By Frontier

From Behind the Clouds

Summer seemed to come out of nowhere and smash the land with a sledgehammer of intense heat. This wave hit me upon opening my door to go to work. The rainy season just vanished. I wondered where the sun was at the time... probably hiding behind the rain clouds building up its power.

The nightwalk home reminded me of the past as I reminisced in the swirls of mysterious humidity. I was whisked back into the excitement and turmoil of last summer and the many night walks I had in Malaysia; the plants and drains simmering from a hard days work of endurance.

The sun burned an imprint into my mind to remind me of the important things in life. The reprieve from the mental spoils of "adulthood" to the basic need fulfilment of keeping cool helped reinstate a more balanced perspective upon return. What I mean is, when you let go of a problem you've been trying to solve for a while, it manages to transform into something different. It sometimes becomes easier. It's a light shining from behind the clouds.

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