
By Frontier

Making a Mark

I've dabbled in a lot of things from time to time, never graffiti (although I admire it a lot), in the search of finding what I can do well. I know I love movies, music and art a lot. The practicality of it is so minimal because I feel that a huge part of its success is to be both talented and very well connected. Although some possess more of one than the other, the fact of the matter is, is that some people have had the priviledge of finding a "calling".

I suppose I've been dabbling because I'm either too insecure to see things through or because I haven't found my purpose. If you think hard enough, you can convince yourself to prove that anything is worthwhile. If you think harder, however, you can also convince yourself that it's meaningless. Things eventually become nothing and fade.

The greatest people of any given field have remained in the vistages of recorded human history for a good reason. However, the strength of its importance is only valid within a given culture's application of values to it. I know that upon exploring Japan for example, there are so many things that I can never understand, yet the solemn graciousness of its appreciation only questions my own values and upbringing. What my home culture finds important is nothing compared to others. I can only imagine how people truly think in all other cultures if I only truly LIVE it. I've subsided to the given truth that this will never happen.

I can make some sort of mark, sure. My expectations of what I want to express are way too high. But it really won't matter so much, as there are so many other great things before, presently and after the fact.

Talking in theory again is pointless. Nobody really cares. It's muddled and directionless. There is no top to climb to, or a bottom to sink towards... there is only you and the imprints made in your mind and heart.

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