an image of teamdel

By teamdel


Today has been a landmark day for two boys in the family.
Firstly Grandpa bwhere hit his 365 today and so has a nice balloon and a new coloured camera. Well done bwhere, I was not sure you were going to get there of recent but am glad you have. Also a thank you to him for getting me into this blip lark. I really enjoy it and it has improved my picture taking dramatically. Anyway this blip is for bwhere,as he does like a good Puccinos now and again.

The other boy hitting a landmark today is Baby who has just taken his first steps. Today he has been getting himself up and standing. Tonight he followed this up with getting up, standing and clapping (I filmed this but Flickr is not behaving tonight so I can not upload it) and then he walked from Wife to me. Sadly I missed filming it (though he may not have done it if I had been holding a camera) but I have it my own memory bank which is more important. I am so proud of him and look forward to our first kick about that I am already planning in a couple of weeks.

These steps remind me so much of Toddlers first ones. On her first birthday she was standing leaning on Wife and then through her own choice looked at we and wandered over. She however then learnt to crawl and did not walk again for a couple of months. Somehow I dont think Baby will take this time to re-evaluate and will, no doubt, be in and out of everything in reach now for ever.

So well done boys, we are all proud of you, keep up the good work.

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