
By PrimeMart


an early blip today, because as you know, I am off to walk in the Thornbury mountains....

Puppies, how do they do it?

How do they have so much energy?

How do they do so much pickling, and then look at you with such complete innocence that you immediately forgive them?

How do they wreak so much havoc and then flop asleep instantly?

How are they so snuggly and warm, but full of teeth and claws?

I wish I could distil and bottle a little of the above. It would make me a very rich man.

In other exciting news.... BFG and PTP have bonded very well, after a large degree of initial huff and indignation fromMerryn they are now inseperable.

The problem is, they are just like 8Q3.

Every teacher has/had a class like 8Q3. You just get most of them settled and on task, and then somebody else starts causing mayhem, the rest join in, and you are back to square 1.

Wee ratio now 10:1 in favour of garden, however she did blot her copybook (actually the carpet) with a different sort of toilet related matter.

Items chewed today: Jacca's drumsticks (oh dear!)

Items placed out of reach: My camera bag

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