White Gazania

Late hurried blip. Day off work with loads to do. Including ordering Mr Lif's wedding outfit. A spot of housework and then off to the school sports day. Jake came third in the wheelbarrow race. My heart almost exploded with pride ;-)

Home for a spot of gardening the Little Lynn and James arrived with the sound system for the hill for the speciall occasion. Little Lynn had humpfed a helium container from Helensburgh to Glasgow on the train...bless her. It weighs a tonne and she is 5ft nothing.

Sat in the garden for tea and a blether then headed indoors to speak to young Kris on the phone.

Time for a wee wine and bed. Its Young Master Jake's 12th birthday tomorrow. We need to make sure its a good one. This has not been the best of weeks for him :(

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