Birthday Boy

That little Nikon is a wee bit of a pain when you are out and about. I need to fiddle with the settings I think. Got a load of out of focus shots. Know its down to me and not the camera. This is the best of the bunch

Jake had his birthday party at the hell which is known as Megabowl Dundee - I am sure they play crowd noise through the tannoy system. I may call it hell but to a group of 12 year old boys its heaven. An hour in the zap zone, followed by fast food, followed by some bowling and then cake. Whats not to like? Well worth the money I would say and Jake had a fab time. His sis Katie and her boyfriend Roy and Jake's dad also came along. Kate was rather red in the face after an hour of zap zone madness :) 26 year olds are a wee bit past it for that type of thing

He had a lovely day and has had great pressies and a pile of cash which he may spend on a netbook or laptop.

Me? I am knackered and off to sit with a cava. This is Jake blowing out his candles :) 12 years? wow that has passed quickly x

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