Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Swallows and Amazons

Every Friday morning Arlo and I walk through the park to nursery. We leave the house at 8am and meandre through the trees chatting and pottering and checking out whatever comes our way.

I look forward to it every week, even when I've only had about 3 hours sleep I still manage to drag myself out of bed and out to the park with the boy. After dropping him off I walk back up the road feeling like my batteries have been re-charged. 8.30am and I have not only been out in the fresh air, but had some proper quality time with my son. Great.

This morning he found a COOL stick that looked like antlers. He waved it above his head several times and asked 'what noise do reindeers make?'. When I realised I had no idea (or should that be no i-dear?) he just did a genetic moo and clip clopped on his merry way.

Ahhh, will really miss these wee walks when he starts his new nursery. Better make the most of it.


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