A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Pretty mundane

The damp, grey weather we have been having of late is neither inspiring nor inviting! So, while this photo (as with the recent majority) is lacking both technique (or a technique as you can get with a compact) and creativity, it will have to suffice.

Generally, my diary use skills are limited in how much they actually enhance productivity. However, my community based placement saw some rather heavy use of my (rather heavy, A5, placement issued) diary and with the new academic year on the horizon and a "grown up" milestone reached, I figured now was as good a time as any to shake my organisational habits up a little.

Besides, isn't it pretty?!

Today, the folks and I took a wee drive out to a rather lovely home, garden & country centre. Even if you never buy something (which, I usually do, most of the departments will have multiple compelling items on any given day!) it's quite a fun place to wander round. Candles to smell, ornaments to pick up & examine, clothes to try on, quirky kitchen items to desire unnecessarily...food to eat... Possibly the most compelling thing is the atmosphere, as large as it is (in country store terms) and as busy as it can sometimes be, it really is quite relaxing!

Plus, the strawberries & cream scones were rather yummy!

Today's jaunt resulted in a philosophical doorstop and a rather snazzy rolling pin.

Filofax, rolling pin, doorstop... I honestly have just reached 21, not 30!

This evening should be spent baking with mum and then some packing. Tomorrow it's off up to Edinburgh once again; not that I'm complaining!

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