All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Saturday means lie-in day for mummy! Hubbie got up with Ethan when the wee one woke not long after 6am and I got to chill in bed with the laptop. I didn't manage to sleep any more but it's lovely not having to get up early.

Granny & Grandpa had stayed overnight before heading off on a weeks holiday after lunch. Foreveryoung & Eden came over for a visit too. We got Ethan's old baby swing out for Eden. However although he hated it when he was a tiny baby, we couldn't get him out of it today! Shame he's far too big for it now really!

Oh, he also got another swing today. The ones in Asda we'd been after for a while are finally back in stock and ours got delivered today. Ethan seems quite taken with it and keeps clambering on and off it!

After a busy morning, he was worn out and fell asleep in his high chair after eating most of his macaroni cheese. He proceeded to sleep for 2 hours.

Once he woke up we took him and Eden to Almond Valley Heritage Centre for a few hours. Despite the drizzle, we all had fun.

Hubbie & I then took Ethan to dinner at the Toby's carvery in Bathgate again. It's clearly somewhere he likes as he was fab again. Ate tons, in fact he fed himself more than I've ever seen before, and did great with the fork. He was so well behaved we even had time for desert, which is unusual!

What a lovely day it was.

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