All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Waiting for Daddy

Another lie-in for me today (I go to bed hours after hubbie cos it's the best time to catch up with housework, hence the reason he does the early starts most weekends).

Once I was up, he drove through to Glasgow to pick up a toy kitchen he'd bought on eBay while Ethan & I headed down to The Centre. Hubbie met us there on his way back from Glasgow and Ethan had great fun going up and down in the lift at McArthur Glen while we were waiting for him!

Foreveryoung came round at lunchtime as hubbie and I were minding Eden for her in the afternoon. Its the first time we'd babysat her and she was really upset for the first half hour but good as gold after that. She was sound asleep in Ethan's cot when Foreveryoung came back for her! We struggled to get Ethan to have a nap today though so hubbie ended up taking him for a drive to get him to nod off. I think he was too excited by having his cousin around for so long!

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