
By mandygf

domino's anyone?

...this is something that always reminds me of my Grandad.... he always had a game with us when we came to visit...

I'm shattered... had to pry the pc from Teegan to get my blip done... here excuse was she was doing her's..... funny how when I went past it was FB that was quickly minimised.....

a busy day today, I was heading out the door only to discover I had not one but 2 flat tyres.... it's now gone beyond funny!!! Stuart's brother came to the rescue & lent me the car we're getting rid of for the weekend so I'm not stranded....

I took Cooper to the 50th year celebration of the Carnoustie fire station & he was excited to see a fire engine but was a little scared when he was inside, I think having his big sister there might have made it less scary for him...

we then headed up to Dundee to get a few odds & ends I needed & made our way back home at 5.30pm....

now to bed, I can barely keep my eyes open... will catch up with everyone later ....

ps.... can anyone spot the mistake with Cooper's domino's???

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