Singing in my Chains

By Cadi

Bessie Bone-shaker MkIII

Had a bit of a jammy day yesterday: woke up to a tax rebate cheque coming through the door so I thought I'd get round to getting new glasses as I can hardly see through my current ones - served by a very lovely girl who couldn't add up so got them £30 cheaper. Then friends, Anindya & Claire, gave me their old bike as they're moving & didn't fancy carting it with them. It had a puncture and only two of the gears work (bit of a disadvantage in hilly Wales, thank god Cardiff is flat), but it's a free(ish) bike! I'd forgotten what fun cycling can be, wheeee! So here's Bessie in all her dusty glory. I have barked shins & smell faintly of WD40 but I love her.

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