Honey Bees on Poppies
All summer I've been on the look out for honey bees without success, but this morning the angry buzzing around my head as I stood looking at the poppies convinced me that they had arrived. Dusted with golden pollen they were busily gathering their harvest. If you look closely you can see the pollen sack on this one.
Ann returned from shopping about two weeks ago to tell the tale of the bare chested workman who was cowering by the doorway of the old Rock pub. When she asked him what was wrong he told her he'd just been chased down the road by a swarm of angry bees, and, he wouldn't have minded if he'd had his shirt on! So I guess the bees have set up home close by.
Even at 9am this morning, when I took these photos, the sun was so hot I needed a hat. It's certainly been the hottest day so far and it's come as a bit of a shock as June has been cool, wet and windy so far.
We're going to North Yorkshire tomorrow, but I think I will still be able to add my blips as the cottage had an internet connection the last time we stayed there.
More from the North York Moors tomorrow.
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