
By Viewpoint

A place to relax

I'm still interested in exploring the idea of using the glass stopper to produce an image, so after putting the macro lens back on the camera and re-setting up the `manual focus assist' I took a few test shots in the room. One of which I've chosen for today's blip. I'd like to photograph the patch of red poppies through the glass stopper, but I need to find some way of getting the glass decanter high enough to pick up the reflection (maybe step ladders would work).

After a fairly leisurely start to the morning we spent some time on the allotment, me trying to protect our strawberries from marauding birds (probable black birds) and Ann making a start on the weeding. There are lots of berries to eat on the allotment bushes at the moment, red currants in particular, and I don't see that the birds need my strawberries as well. We needed to get on top of the weeding as we are away for a week from Monday and the last thing I want to face when we return is an allotment that has totally reverted to nature (there are too many of those up there as it is).

We've had a much more leisurely afternoon, me doing photographs and Ann watching tennis.

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