In Between Days

By jase


What a hot day! After the sleepover kids were picked up we felt that we should get outside so we decided to go for a picnic. After calling at the supermarket for supplies we headed off to Hemsworth Water Park, which we knew of but had never paid the place a visit. We found it to be a pretty good place and wonder why we have never been there before. The artificial beach was loved by Louis who got covered in sand very quickly. Alana was a bit reluctant to get wet.

Had a bit of a kick around and the kids got ice creams. We stood back whilst Alana went and ordered for her and Louis. The picture is of Louis finishing off his screwball. He was a bit disappointed that the ice cream man had run out of bubblegum but he still enjoyed it.

If it is this hot tomorrow it will be unbearable at work. Last time I tried my desk fan it failed to turn!

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