
By shaachan


Meet Indomie. It's this Indonesian brand of instant noodles that has taken my household by storm (okay, really it's just my sister and I), and stolen my stomach's affection. I bought a few packs, all different flavours, at this Indonesian mart called Laguna today. I also bought fried onions, but really, who cares about fried onions when you have Indomie.
It's like saying, "Look! Johnny-san (from Johnny's Jimusho) is standing in front of the vending machine!" when Gackt is in the shoe shop next door.

Or something.
Basically, my point is, while both are pretty awesome, I just prefer Gackt. By a lot. So in parallel terms, I prefer Indomie, even though fried onions are the shitz too.

And yes, there is a bag of Chi Qian Yi Ding at the bokeh-ed background. I love that brand too!

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