
By shaachan

Really? What is?

Tis a sunny day, so bright that I could feel the sun rays' warmth through the piercing cold winds. The signboard was taken from Ding's roommate's window, and it is of... a play. Called "Love Never Dies", which is ostensibly the sequel to Phantom of the Opera. Quite interesting, and I'd so catch it if a. I had money and b. I'd actually watched Phantom of the Opera. They had nice songs, that I know.

On to the word ravishing, I think I'd be embarrassed if someone called me ravishing. I'd rather be called bloody sexy, or beautiful or my goddess, cause at least I won't immediately think that person is imagining themselves ravishing me. Did that make sense? Hmm.

So cold. Went for a short shopping trip, saw a dress I loved, but it was 299 dollars! Bloody hell.

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