Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Pretty Little Thing

It's a backblip from yesterday owing to not being able to connect to the internet yesterday. I think the problem is our set-up.

Most frustrating anyway.

So, I haven't made any comments either.

I hoped to (shows ignorance) check whether this little beauty was a butterfly or a moth! But I'm afraid I haven't even arrived at that stage!

In the blink of an eye it flitted to the underside of a laurel leaf I was finding interesting
(I'm the butt of some humour regarding macro photography!). I only had a moment to capture the image before it was gone.

And today, I'm back to my battle with The Powers That Be. Only to find that I've been talking to the wrong Powers That Be, and need to talk to Others.
New and mysterious departments I never knew even existed are the people I need, apparently. Grrr.

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