Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

I really must get out...

.. Not necessarily more, but definitely further.

I've had the typical Monday waiting for telephone calls to be returned.
(Why do people tell you to ring them in a fortnight, make a date, and then are on annual leave for a fortnight when you do?

Oh. I get it.

But I'm not horrible. Honestly!)

Got hold of someone in the end. ''Right'' Dept too! Progress. (I hope).

Arrived early at work. Someone had locked the place up at the weekend using the mysterious 'we don't use that one' key. So we couldn't get in.
Oh it WAS an enjoyable bit of drama!

And the above bug/whatever... It really was the prettiest shot of the day. I didn't think it was a creature at first, but it's certainly using mouthparts.
So, it wins my 'Hmm- I-don't-know-you-but-you're-It' prize for today.
And if the macro lens hasn't welded itself to the camera (!) I'll take it off tomorrow. :-)

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