Family 6

By meganrose

The View from A and E

Liam broke his little finger last night, just before he returned home from his Dads in a footballing accident. He didn't tell his Dad and when I returned from seeing Jane I found him sat pale and shaky on the toilet foloowing some 'tests' Daz had performed to see if it was broken.

A and E was full last night so I took him this morning. A couple of weeks and all will be well. Callum can stop feeling guilty for throwing the ball at Liam, especially as apparently Liam was the first to cast the stone, so to speak. Whilsy I was there my Mum, who is holiday, sent me a picture of the view from their balcony. I sent this in return!

We went to the beach after for lunch, which was a brief interlude in a hard day.

A visit to Jane, who will be having her kidney removed on Thursday, chemo and radiptherpay will follow. We are all scared.

Sadly Becca's Nanna passed away suddenly too today.

Sometimes life sure knows how to test you.


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