Monday Monday

After a weekend, comes a Monday.

When we would travel up to Manchester and back in a weekend we'd go up on a Friday evening, arrive past midnight, spend another hour at least talking, and then go to bed. And inevitably Ben would be up pretty early because of being in a different place.

Come Monday I'd be sick. And I always blame Friday night's lack of sleep.

And it happened again... this time because of being awake half the night on Friday wondering if the tent was still intact through the high winds and the rain! So I have had a poorly tummy day.

Ben had a good time at preschool this morning although we have made a plan for next week, I am not going to "stay and play a bit" because he's getting used to me doing that and wants me to stay longer and longer. So next week it's a quick drop-off, hand over to his keyworker, say 'bye and go.

He came home and started doing the actions and saying "sausages go in pan, one goes pop, one goes BANG!" with a big clap to go with the bang! He was SO thrilled when I figured out what he was saying and did the whole rhyme with him :D

We had to drive to Steyning after lunch to take Steve some more lunch, and called in at Sainsburys on the way back. I was so hungry by the time we got there, and Ben was fast asleep, so after letting him sleep in the car for a bit we went in and had second lunch. I had soup. Ben had chocolate cake. I think he must have had his entire daily calorie intake in one sitting.

And then home and dinner and bath for Ben and screaming because we had to take his plaster off his foot, and more screaming because he didn't want his towel on after his bath but wanted to run around naked, and more screaming because he won the tug of war with daddy over the towel and fell backwards into a pile of collapsed camping chairs and grazed his bottom, and more screaming because we had to put cream and another plaster on his foot. *sigh*

He has gone to bed in just a nappy. Didn't want pyjamas on... I suppose it is a bit warm still...

I'm off to bed in a bit.

I've back-blipped the weekend if you're interested, we went camping! It was a lot of fun :) Steve got a nice picture of me, and I also managed to get a half-decent self-portrait as well.

Here's to a good night's sleep - Steve and I both need it! This is him blipping before deciding that bed was a good idea before he gave himself whiplash from half nodding off to sleep and jolting awake again :)

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