I scream, you scream, we all scream for...

And he did as well, when daddy tried to eat it at the same time. Poor daddy. Daddy doesn't like solero icecreams - and neither does Ben ;) Mummy does though ;-)

Hugely warm and sunny this morning, but I didn't hang the washing out on the line because of promised thunderstorms at 10am. (We were promised thunderstorms last night but they never happened here either!)

10am we were walking up to toddler group, no sign of thunder! Tots was good. Fantastic craft, we were decorating squares of cotton with what we like about tots :) Lots of paint pads, felt tips, glitter - LOTS of fun! Going to have to find some of those paint pad bottle things, I imagine Ben and I could have so much fun with them at home as well! Ben joined in too, so our square was a proper joint effort. He also joined in with the songs, singing a bit, and doing all the actions to the songs he knew! I've longed for this, for him to join in. It seemed like every other child was joining in from a much earlier age. Seeing him joining in so enthusiastically is a really lovely thing to see!

Midday we walked home, still no sign of thunderstorms although it had started to cloud over a little bit. Wished I'd hung my washing out! Had our usual lunch of hash browns, I had some chicken dipper things too today for a bit of variety. And by the end of that, Ben was sleepy. 1.45pm he fell asleep in my arms. By 2pm I'd put him to bed, and the thunder had started. But only the thunder! No sign of rain still! It rolled around for an hour and a bit, with only a brief splatter of rain which quickly evaporated in the heat.

While he was asleep I got dinner prepared and in the oven, the first time I've managed to do that in 3 months. Feeling very pleased with myself! Sausage and bean casserole, from scratch. So no shortcuts either! Ben woke up and came downstairs by himself and asked for a cuddle shortly after, so we had cuddles and watched more Gruffalo.

I even managed to get the washing hung out on the airers; and potatoes peeled and chopped and ready to cook before Steve was due home - and started them cooking at just the right time so dinner was ready when Steve got home from work! Proper Housewife Status was achieved today :D

And dinner was yummy. If a bit dry hehe. All the water the potatoes had been cooking in ended up being added to the casserole to rehydrate it but it was very yummy!

Icecreams for pudding, which Steve had to share with Ben :)

And now it's time for mummy and daddy to go to sleep. Daddy's already been caught snoring on the sofa ;) Ben can put himself to bed later... can't he?! (Kidding! Honest!)

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