
By Appreciation

Scented Stocks

I have wonderful friends and my house is full of flowers just now. These scented stocks are part of the bouquet from The Rusty Klickers.

Last week just before a visit to the hospital a cup of milky coffee was spilt on the rug. I mopped it up half heartedly as I had to leave soon after but I knew I would come back to clearing it up properly. Of course I didn't manage that and our attention was only drawn to it again when the milk started to sour!

Every day I am on my hands and knees during the few moments I am at home blotting and trying to rid the rug of this smell. I am winning the battle but thank goodness for Scented Stocks and their wonderful aroma.

My in-laws are due to arrive today, I do hope they are bringing their pegs. No. 1 boy and his back have been left in that room as it has the largest sofa for him to lie out on. It would appear that he is used to that level of stink around him as he doesn't seem to notice it. Meanwhile everyone else is avoiding the room!

Edit: I'm using a warm water and soap powder solution followed by bicarbonate of soda. I also use Vanish. Any other ideas?

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