Time's Like These...

By Connor1990

Play Time

These dogs just love playing with this old scruffy ball, so much so that they get so sad when it ends up in the pond, and they have no way of reaching it, especially Jess with her tiny wee legs. Holly never gets a chance with that ball while Jess is around.

We got up today and I took the dogs for a walk while Anne stayed in and did some things she had to do. Afterwards we got some chips and tried to eat them outside but it got very chilly so we decided to go back inside while the dogs played outside. Went a trip to Asda with Anne, her mum, and little sister to get some shopping for while we are here.

Now we are off to see our friends Louise, Will and their baby. It was a lovely wee day while the sun was shining.

Lets see if I can find pictures of things other than these animals for next time, although when we go back up to Dundee there won't be any cute wee animals, so maybe I should click while I can.

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