The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Car park puddle

I was late home this evening as the lightning storm that struck London and the home counties took out the railway line from Kings Cross. In the afternoon, I had witnessed a fantastic storm but didn't have my camera to hand when the lightneing struck, plus it wasn't striking regularly enough to anticipate where it might happen.

Anyway, as the trains were affected, I abandoned my usual home time and did a couple of extra hours which I can claw back tomorrow and had a reasonably comfortable train journey home instead of being crammed onto an overcrowded train earlier.

By the time I got home the light was fading fast and I found my car all lonely in the car park that was full of deep puddles so with the ISO ramped up to cope with the light, I took this photo of my car as referred to on Friday's blip. I tried it with B&W but plumped for retaining the colour.

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