Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Bright Eyes

That's a dirty face I think, but certainly some bright eyes. Tristan started parading around with his Spiderman blanket as a shawl right after eating dinner with us. Stopping him to ask if I could clean his face seemed like it would destroy the moment, so I just clicked.

Tristan spent the morning at Aunt Dede's home and then Great Grandpa Fun brought him here at noon to spend the rest of the day so Dede could go to work.

After dinner Tristan asked if I would walk him to the park in the stroller. I had asked our daughter if she had his stroller from the past two summers and she did. I realize that a 4-year-old doesn't belong in a stroller, but Tristan doesn't know that and he enjoyed the long walk to the park as well as the few minutes I allowed him to spend on the swings and slide.

He chattered all the way to the park and all the way back. He's quite a conversationalist. I asked if he would take me for a walk when he's all grown-up and I'm real old and in a wheelchair. He said that he'd do that. So we'll see. Hopefully that's in the distant future.

Right now he's being tucked into bed and that's never easy because he just has to unwind and wind-down and chatter accompanies all of that as Great Grandpa Fun reads him a story.

The summer weather was pleasant today in the mid-80s and tomorrow should be more of the same. I like this.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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