An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Mirror Dinosaur

In Grand Praire along I-30, Ripley's Believe It or Not has three dinosaurs made from mirrored metal. I normally take the train to work, but today because of various reasons, I drove. As I drove past these creatures, I thought, "That would make a great blip." I jumped off the freeway to make to double back for my prey of the day. For those who have never drove the freeway system in Texas, we have what is called a frontage road. That is a road that parallels the freeway that has businesses and accesses the surface streets. We have what I call the Texas Whip Under. That is a left turn lane that allows access to the frontage road running the opposite direction without needing to enter a cross street. This may sound confusing and it is for newcomers. Anyway, I took the Texas Whip Under thinking the frontage road would bring me face to face with Mr. Ripley's metal beasts. WRONG!!!! I was taken BACK on I-30 going in the opposite direction. No problem, I thought. Just get off at the next exit. Bad choice. That exit dumps out on the construction of a new Toll Road. So now instead of photographing, I am paying a toll to drive in another wrong direction.

Well as you can see from the photo, I did indeed FINALLY make it back to the dinosaurs. It was an interesting shoot. First they all were made of mirrors. Reflecting the sun was a problem. The sun was darting behind thin clouds, so one minute it would be bright and sunny. The next a little darker. Sometimes, the reflection was a pretty sky blue and then turn grey and lifeless. But it was fun none the less. A good diversion for what turned out to be a longer, more costly commute than I had intended.

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