An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Fireman and Policeman Memorial

On my way home from getting my car's annual inspection, I drove through Trinity Park, One of the new features of the park is the Fireman and Policeman Memorial. The names of all officers who died as a result of an injury were placed on a wall. In front of the wall, a bronze statue of a fireman in full gear and a policeman lead a horse. The riding boots are reversed in the stirrups. This is the first time, I visited the memorial. I have ridden through on my bike racing into or out of the park.

I am somewhat embarrased that I have never taken time to honor people who have died making me safer. It always irks me when I am at The Wall in D.C. and folks walk by chatting. Why is that different than this memorial? I am a Vietnam vet but was never a policeman or fireman. But does that make my hallowed ground any more special than theirs? Do my dead friends deserve more respect than these?

One way that blip is changing my world view is making me slow down and see. Snapping a pic of the Grand Canyon or some such thing can be rewarding no doubt. But seeing the specialness in the everyday or the mundane. The scene that living a hectic life drives me to quickly past. I hope that more often I will now stop. Take the lense cap off. Focus on something that catches my eye. Allow myself a few moments of beauty.

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