A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Speaking out for Vultures

I am a big fan of vultures. I am not sure where it stems from. Possibly from being told by Disney and others that vultures are "bad". As an outsider myself I have always preferred to side with those shunned from society for no apparent reason. I really can't see what is so bad about eating from a carcass that is dead already and what is so noble about killing things yourself to eat (this part is normally glossed over by Disney). In fact it is an extremely useful service as is being discovered by farmers in places such as India, who are busily poisoning vultures and then finding that piles of dead, uneaten carrion lie about the place instead.

So I couldn't help being cheered up by this story about a vulture that was being trained by the Police to do their job for them. The vulture was having none of it. Fly around to find a body that I can't even eat? No thanks. I'll just walk. And look for other, more interesting carcassess too. Good on you Sherlock and Happy Vulturing for the future. Hopefully you can just fly about and eat dead stuff now like you are supposed to do.

I read somewhere that when Zoroastrians die their bodies (if their home government will let them) are taken to high platforms to be eaten by vultures who then fly their soul up to God. This sounds really cool to me.

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