Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Keeping abrow of it...

Today was a preparation day. I began by prepping my sorry, neglected body for our impending holiday. I actually employed a professional to wax my legs and bikini line (GOD) AND to wax my eyebrows and give them a 'light' tint. I have no idea what made me think this was going to transform me into some kind of beach babe, but I thought I would give it a go. LORDY. My husband can barely look at me without wanting to laugh, and one glance at my face just now in the mirror almost induced a panic attack! But hey, a younger me wouldn't have left the house for a week, the older me thinks it all quite amusing and can only enhance ones life by gauging others reaction!

The other preparation was for the new kitchen, the work of which will commence whilst we are away! Nerve wracking and bloody exciting all at the same time. Today I ordered the cabinet carcasses and appliances! With much wrangling and inventive buying to make up the last 150 poond, I came away with 200 quid of Ikea vouchers (100 of which are only granted if you spend a 1000 pounds on kitchen stuff) and a deal of 4 appliances for the cost of 3... Happy DAZE..

As for the holiday, we leave on Sunday. Much excitement and anticipation abounds in the Watson household. For Andy and I, the anticipation of getting away from the daily grind, a chance for unadulterated time with the girls, the opportunity of good food and daily booze (not unheard of, but legitimised on hols) reading books and SUN. For Eve, the anticipation of daily treats, more treats, swimming, some treats and the opportunity to meet some Portugese mermaids (a thought instilled, during a moment of brilliance by my good self...) Anabel has no idea what is going on but will enjoy it anyway...

Just hope the eyebrows will calm down or be balanced out with an exotic tan and that the house won't fall/burn down whilst we are gone!

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