With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Patient lads

I asked facebook friends to choose today's blip because I couldn't decide. I had a trip to Palma with the boys. First I had an appointment with an osteopath. Wow! An amazing guy with the best 'bedside' manner I've ever known. It's great to feel confidence in someone like that and I'm sure he's going to help me. The boys were commended on their behaviour whilst waiting, which was particularly gratifying after how stresed I had been getting there, with an ink incident and driving without sense making me late.

We sampled café society and ambled round the streets of Palma, found a palace to buy if you so desire (the old Cappuchin monastery, amazing) and just revelled in the shade of the City streets. Bought a gorilla pod too and found a good place for printing, so my plans for the summer are taking place.

An apology to all for not finding any American sailors. I think if they were there, they were in mufti. I saw a few muscled arms and tattoos with accents, but no white uniforms. I'm back for more treatment next Tuesday however, so there's always a chance I'll get the challenge ticked.

Busy day tomorrow in the nicest possible way.

Thanks for the votes guys. Will you mind if I try it again?

I'll get the alternatives blogged asap. Night night all.

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