With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Tree surgeons

On my way up to the writers' group meeting with Geoff, we saw this magnificent palm having a trim, and it looked even better on the way down. The meeting was sublime. Sitting under the wisteria, listening to stories, eating melon and drinking strong black coffee courtesy of Ava. I hadn't managed to transcribe my offering, so I offered it electronically on my new dictophone. A little difficult to hear, but at least it was something.

I then had to race to meet the boys and Ellie after their first day at the tennis summer school and take them through to the pool. Mich joined us after she'd finished work and we had a wonderful chat. The sun didn't actually come out until just as she was leaving, so it was just perfect for keeping an eye on the little ones without worrying about sunburn. I stayed for quite a while longer.

I'd started the day with coffee with Emmanuelle and Fiona, and before that a chance meeting with Ollie the groom from the weekend's wedding, (Fiona's new son in law!) so all in all it was such a sociable, fluid day and a great start to the new pattern of summer.

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