This day

By snapper


God I was drowning in a sea of forms today. Because I had transfered our number plate onto a car about two weeks ago only to discover the bloody car won't pass another #MOT!!, today I had to shift the plates onto the other car. The insurance folks duck when they see me coming. I also had to Sorn the other car, along with the old one and also along with the other older one, so all in all I have 3 Sornd cars and one roadworthy one to which I was attempting to transfer plates for the second time in a month! Still with me? Also we still needed another roadworthy car so a quick call to my brother in law secured a wee cheap run a round with a years MOT and tax. I also had to phone the DVLA who were meant to be on strike! yet can you beleive it, I got through first time to a very helpful wifey!
To end the day, this evening I took chubby hubby and the dogs for a walk along the Keills peninsula right to the end, then back then stopped at Tayvallich Inn and had a feed of scrummy langustines. Yes the perfect end to a stressfull day

Is it just me or is the internet so slow! we must be the only country with this ancient slow system just because BT were caught napping when the internet begn and they didnt react to the demand on time, now they are trying to stiffle other server speeds to drive people to their own expensive wretched system. End of rant!

Have a good blip evening all

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