G went Munroing today, up Ben More, which is 3,169 feet from sea level, and that is where you start from and return. A trudge. So I didn't go, and at last I had a day to wander at leisure. I pottered for over 5 hours along the shores of Loch na Keal, stopping and wandering wherever I wished with my camera. A glorious day. I love the seashore and poking about in the seaweed and rockpools. I was in Heaven. I took many, many photos, and the bent tree, leaning before the winds off the sea, I'd had my eye on every time we passed, was well and truly photographed. I saw the White-tailed Eagle catching his fish in the loch, and the skies and wispy cloud formations were gorgeous.

So it was a difficult choice from today's plenty, but this one will always remind me of that perfect pottering day.

I remembered to go back and pick up G. He hadn't seen a Ptarmigan at the top of Ben More. Ho hum.

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