
Not the good type either.

So yesterday I did a kitten and some swish effects. The day before an old gate, and the day before something else that I'm sure was decent. Today? Skanky spoons in the bottom of the sink at work with the usual dosage of heavy processing.

Each of these spoons represents a brew for me. I sugar up, stir and dump the spoon in the sink for the spoon fairy to come and clean them. I've never seen the spoon fairy, but I suspect she responds to the office manager swearing: usually after a range of expletives the spoons end up in the dishwasher.

Last night I sat about and played Fall Out New Vegas. I don't know how many fellow Xboxers are on here, but New Vegas never really 'potted my pink' so to speak. However recently with the addition of a great cheat that allows me to have more or less infinite caps I'm happy. I always say this: if a game is too hard, cheat.

I don't say it when playing things like FIFA or maybe monopoly. I fucking hate monopoly. I remember one christmas I bought a Simpsons version for my then girlfriend Kelly. We invited Clean and Lee around on Boxing Day and started to play at about 2pm.

By 3pm I was out after what were apprently 'rash purchases' of streets with relatively cool names. However collecting colours of the rainbow isn't a sound strategy. I settled down to listen to Lincoln beat Boston 1-0 (Paul Mayo penalty so must have been Boxing Day 2003) and expected the game to end.

Come half past six (yes thats right, a good three and a half hours sat about waiting) someone else finally got out, at which point it was decided to have a count up as it excluded too monay people. Nobody thought about that when I was out did they.

I couldn't even cheat.

Right well afetr today I'm off for a week. My heartfelt appeal for money didn't work so I'll be spending most of it composing my first written masterpiece (The Mascot Diaries). It may mean two things for you.

1: I may get out and about taking a wide range of quality shots in different locations. You'll be treated to interesting writing linked to similarly encapsulating photography.

2: I'll end up sat around in my jogging bottoms playing Xbox and smoking, giving ten seconds thought to a half arsed photo that I just process heavily and pretend is meaningful. Like todays.

Have a good weekend y'all. Except Rafa Nadal.

ps: I don't care about Tennis. However that Sharapova character? I'd crawl through a mile long sewage tunnel filled with broken glass just to stick matchsticks in her shits.

pps: Tht was meant for comedic (?) effect. I do not have a faeces fetish.

ppps: I can see the statistics page tomorrow 'you mention spoons 15,000% more than the average blipper. Apart from Spoon Shots who can't help himself.

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