Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

School fair

Aren't they just so much fun (when you're 9 anyway!). Every year we have to waste spend money on the obligatory inflatable basher thingies so the kids can bash each others brains out! Oh yes, as I said - such fun! I took this photo in the garden when we got home. The kids enjoyed themselves, the school made money, my hubby stayed at home and I helped out on the cake stall (again) - anything really to pass the time! Roll on 2 years' time when my youngest leaves primary - yay!

Apart from the school fair, I've had my hair cut and coloured today and I had to fetch my eldest from school as he felt sick and had a bad headache. It turns out that was caused by a urine infection, not a migraine as I first thought. He's spent most of the day in bed but has now got some antibiotics after a mad rush to the doctors just before they closed for the weekend and is beginning to feel a bit better. It was such a shame as he was on 100% attendance for the year up until then with just 3 weeks to go!

Enjoy the weekend everyone, let's hope the sun shines.

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