A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Sunshine days

Lovely wee day :]

My trip over to the convention was particularly relaxing this morning; it's weird when a bus journey provides time for some peaceful reflection!

Creche this morning was chaos, but also lots of fun and lovely! 2 year-olds are fun, 10 month-olds are fascinating to watch and 4-month olds are great at finding that perfect wee spot on your shoulder to sleep.

Afternoon was spent prepping for Discovery club and sorting more papers (still!). Then back to the college for food, updating the many folk who knew me when I was yay high (and have no trouble telling me so!) and said club.

Now some Jasmine tea and a little Five For Fighting.

3 joys of the day:
1 - baby cuddles/sleep
2 - sunny bus stop waits
3 - another wonderful sunset!

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