Lali's World

By Lali

A different perspective 12

Last of the series!

I've always liked the way trees look when you look up from below them. It's amazing how the same thing can look so different depending on the way you look at it. This can be applied to so many things, not just by the way we look at them but also by the way we use our minds to percieve them. By things I mean the world around us. We are sometimes so influenced by the way other people look and percieve things that we forget to think about how we actually percieve them. Our minds are so easily manipulated. It takes a strong mind to get out of this manipulation.

Peer presure, wanting to blend in, not looking conspicuous, go with the crowd... It takes very strong minds to make hordes of people think like them and act the way they want them to act. This applies to anything from fashion, politics to music, religion or whatever rules our lives. Sometimes I wonder if my mind is strong enough to have absolutely my own view of things and go with it.

Just some food for thought...

It's been a quiet day at work. There was a march in Edinburgh involving the Queen. Most tourists were watching it and the weather was reasonably nice as well for Scottish standards. I finished late though because I did some overtime helping in another department. The most amazing thing was seeing a sunset from the bus on my way home at around 9.30ish in the evening! Wow!

Having a quiet night. I just need some rest.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments on my previous blip! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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