Diver Driver

By diverdriver

oh what a beautiful morning.......

oh what a beautiful day.
i've got a wonderful feeling,
ev'rythin's going my way.

do you think it would catch on if i wrote a tune for the words?

all going my way? well apart from being wide awake at 0430 on a saturday morning, wondering whether the hay-fever has turned into mrs dd's cold or not.

so, decided to use the ipad to check some e-mails and catch up on blip only to find a very touching comment left for me by bookygoatherd. seems she is most concerned that i have been captured and held to ranson in a premier inn - see my last blip - and is wondering whether there is a diverdriver impostor doing the rounds. bless her!

so, seeing the beautiful morning outside, full of promise for a nice day working in the garden, just had to blip the scene from my bedroom window to prove that i am safe and well and free from mr henry's clutches.

might as well get a coffee, go back to bed and read till it's time to get up. the collaborators by reginald hill if anyone is interested.

not sure if you've noticed but thought i might try the modern way of writing without using capitals.

not right at all. enjoy your saturday dear blippers.

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