Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

The meat

I went to the butcher shop today, but I forgotten to bring my camera. So I decided to take the picture of the meats that I bought. I've not been to this shop for over 2 years. I normally buy my meat at the slaughterhouse run by the muslims from Pakistan. I am adamant about my meat though.. hehehee.. I believed that what you eat made you who you are as a person.. Am not much of a meat person but since I've got to make finger food for the exhibition, I decided to get a few lbs of drumsticks.

Anyway, while at the shop, I asked one of the man this question, "Is the meat Halal?" He looked at me as if I didn't know that the store belongs to the muslim person because there're Arabic words everywhere in the shop. So he said, "YES!! of course." I said, "I just want to know."

They probably thought that am a weird and silly girl asking those stupid questions. Well, I was taught amongst other things by my late husband to ask questions if am curious or not sure, and no questions are stupid questions.

Anyhow, just for curiosity:

Halal meat is meat that is slaughtered and blessed by the muslim persons according to the Islamic rites.

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