Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Barenaked Ladies

Tonight The Boy, C and I are off to Glasgow to see the Barenaked Ladies at the ABC, contrary to what you might think, they are in fact fully clothed, canadian men. I've liked them since I first really developed any interest in music and over the years that love has just grown. I saw them live at the Academy about 5 years ago and they were fantastic. Last year we saw them in Edinburgh, they'd lost their lead singer, Steven Page. At that point they still seemed to be missing him, they seemed unconfortable in their new roles and they seemed to lack something. This time around they had thier happiness back, albeit with flat noted from those unaccustomed to singing so much.

I've realised as I've grown older that the audiences at gigs have grown with me. What once would be a rowdy crowd all bouncing along to the songs begins with the same energy but within a minute has petered out to gentle swaying.

They always say Glasgow is their favourite place in the world to play and today I finally believed them. With glastonbury yesterday and london tomorrow they'd come up the country to squeeze in one night there!

Needless to say the camera was left at home tonght.

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