Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

New life

A week and a half ago The Boy bought me flowers. Yesterday I had to remove the dead ones and transfer what remained in to a smaller vase. As I pottered around with the greenery I realised something lovely. The leaves had put out new growth. In february the roses loved the temperature of the flat but the leaves dried out, now midsummer the roses died very quickly but the leaves have a whole new lease of life. Couldn't resit blipping it.

I was supposed to go to a friend's birthday drinks this evening but I made the mistake of having a little nap and when I woke up I had a killer headache that just wouldn't shift so in the end, I stayed home.

In other news:

Milo continues to try and live an arboreal lifestyle. Milo, you are a terrestrial snake, you do not belong near the ceiling of your viv, when will you learn this!

Backblipped yesterday's Mandles

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