Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Loch Maree & Slioch

I had a lovely evening with old friends, Jo and Kenny. We taught together in Edinburgh, and enjoyed many a great hill walking weekend; this fanned the flames of my love of the Highlands. So, meeting them again was a wonderful reminder of how this part of my life started. As they pointed out to me, we all had a dream back then, and I managed to live it.

We met in Kinlochewe, and I stopped on the way to shoot this oft-photographed scene. There was no sunshine, only a sliver of snow on the tops, but still impressive.

I have always wanted to climb this mountain. Hell, I have never climbed ANY mountain.

I hereby declare that I shall get to to the top of Slioch for my 60th. birthday. This gives me about 7 years to get in shape.

I wonder if Blip will still be soldiering on in 7 years time? I hope so. Climbing Slioch would make a hell of a blip.

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