Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


If you've been keeping up with my blog, then you'll basically already know him. But for those of you who do not, this is my brother, Doug. :)

And in case you are wondering what the hell he is doing, he bit into a cucumber and got a whole slice about 2" thick and can't figure out how to eat it from there. (And of course he can't use his hands; that would just make it too easy.)

So my day was no less than amazing. I told you I'd keep you informed about my life and any new developments, so here goes...
I texted Tim (that's his name btw) yesterday and we decided that we were going to hang out today. So he texted me in the morning (I absolutely love waking up to "good morning" texts) and we decided on noon.

I spent the rest of the morning anxiously getting ready for my "date" that I still wasn't sure was a date. For any of you readers out there who are guys, know this: if you're hanging out with your girl, even though it may look like her outfit took like 5 seconds to put together, you can count on the fact that she definitely thought long and hard about how she wanted to look for you that day, but didn't want you to know.

Anyway, I got ready and left. And seeing how this was the first time I was going to hang out with him and seeing how my mother is so super protective, we came up with a safe word. If anything went wrong, I was to text her "happy giraffe" and she would call me and tell me I had to get home. But thankfully, I didn't have to use the safe word. In fact, I would have loved to stay longer.

I feel like I'd bore you if I went into all the details, but I'll tell you all this, he's amazing. It's funny how I can feel so safe and so comfortable with someone I haven't really gotten a chance to know. But the fact that I can be this comfortable with him already seems like a good sign to me.

And for those of you who aren't friends with me on Facebook or haven't noticed my change in relationship status, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I said yes.

"Let the sweat drop. Calm, collected, and cunning. Watch those jaws drop. The sweat is still running."

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