Country File

By marypot

The Victim

This is one of our Suffolk tups. He was the only tup with no name for a long time, so in the end we called him 'Clint' (get it?). A few weeks ago, he was subject to an attack by another one of our tups, the infamous Bond. You can still see some of the injuries on his face. Clint ended up in a solitary pen as a precaution (one of the Leicester tups was killed by the others in a scrap a couple of months back). Now that Bond and the other tups have all been moved elsewhere, Clint has been sent back into the field.

Hard day today - first day back and only taught three lessons, but am absolutely shattered and glad of a fortnight's holiday now! Once again, thank you for all the kind comments yesterday. I'm looking forward to catching up with journals and comments over the weekend.

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